このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:List/doc に作成できます
1 local libUtil = require('libraryUtil')
2 local checkType = libUtil.checkType
3 local mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools')
5 local p = {}
7 local listTypes = {
8 ['bulleted'] = true,
9 ['unbulleted'] = true,
10 ['horizontal'] = true,
11 ['ordered'] = true,
12 ['horizontal_ordered'] = true
13 }
15 function p.makeListData(listType, args)
16 -- Constructs a data table to be passed to p.renderList.
17 local data = {}
19 -- Classes and TemplateStyles
20 data.classes = {}
21 data.templatestyles = ''
22 if listType == 'horizontal' or listType == 'horizontal_ordered' then
23 table.insert(data.classes, 'hlist')
24 data.templatestyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{
25 name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Hlist/styles.css' }
26 }
27 elseif listType == 'unbulleted' then
28 table.insert(data.classes, 'plainlist')
29 data.templatestyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{
30 name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Plainlist/styles.css' }
31 }
32 end
33 table.insert(data.classes, args.class)
35 -- Main div style
36 data.style = args.style
38 -- Indent for horizontal lists
39 if listType == 'horizontal' or listType == 'horizontal_ordered' then
40 local indent = tonumber(args.indent)
41 indent = indent and indent * 1.6 or 0
42 if indent > 0 then
43 data.marginLeft = indent .. 'em'
44 end
45 end
47 -- List style types for ordered lists
48 -- This could be "1, 2, 3", "a, b, c", or a number of others. The list style
49 -- type is either set by the "type" attribute or the "list-style-type" CSS
50 -- property.
51 if listType == 'ordered' or listType == 'horizontal_ordered' then
52 data.listStyleType = args.list_style_type or args['list-style-type']
53 data.type = args['type']
55 -- Detect invalid type attributes and attempt to convert them to
56 -- list-style-type CSS properties.
57 if data.type
58 and not data.listStyleType
59 and not tostring(data.type):find('^%s*[1AaIi]%s*$')
60 then
61 data.listStyleType = data.type
62 data.type = nil
63 end
64 end
66 -- List tag type
67 if listType == 'ordered' or listType == 'horizontal_ordered' then
68 data.listTag = 'ol'
69 else
70 data.listTag = 'ul'
71 end
73 -- Start number for ordered lists
74 data.start = args.start
75 if listType == 'horizontal_ordered' then
76 -- Apply fix to get start numbers working with horizontal ordered lists.
77 local startNum = tonumber(data.start)
78 if startNum then
79 data.counterReset = 'listitem ' .. tostring(startNum - 1)
80 end
81 end
83 -- List style
84 -- ul_style and ol_style are included for backwards compatibility. No
85 -- distinction is made for ordered or unordered lists.
86 data.listStyle = args.list_style
88 -- List items
89 -- li_style is included for backwards compatibility. item_style was included
90 -- to be easier to understand for non-coders.
91 data.itemStyle = args.item_style or args.li_style
92 data.items = {}
93 for _, num in ipairs(mTableTools.numKeys(args)) do
94 local item = {}
95 item.content = args[num]
96 item.style = args['item' .. tostring(num) .. '_style']
97 or args['item_style' .. tostring(num)]
98 item.value = args['item' .. tostring(num) .. '_value']
99 or args['item_value' .. tostring(num)]
100 table.insert(data.items, item)
101 end
103 return data
104 end
106 function p.renderList(data)
107 -- Renders the list HTML.
109 -- Return the blank string if there are no list items.
110 if type(data.items) ~= 'table' or #data.items < 1 then
111 return ''
112 end
114 -- Render the main div tag.
115 local root = mw.html.create('div')
116 for _, class in ipairs(data.classes or {}) do
117 root:addClass(class)
118 end
119 root:css{['margin-left'] = data.marginLeft}
120 if data.style then
121 root:cssText(data.style)
122 end
124 -- Render the list tag.
125 local list = root:tag(data.listTag or 'ul')
126 list
127 :attr{start = data.start, type = data.type}
128 :css{
129 ['counter-reset'] = data.counterReset,
130 ['list-style-type'] = data.listStyleType
131 }
132 if data.listStyle then
133 list:cssText(data.listStyle)
134 end
136 -- Render the list items
137 for _, t in ipairs(data.items or {}) do
138 local item = list:tag('li')
139 if data.itemStyle then
140 item:cssText(data.itemStyle)
141 end
142 if t.style then
143 item:cssText(t.style)
144 end
145 item
146 :attr{value = t.value}
147 :wikitext(t.content)
148 end
150 return data.templatestyles .. tostring(root)
151 end
153 function p.renderTrackingCategories(args)
154 local isDeprecated = false -- Tracks deprecated parameters.
155 for k, v in pairs(args) do
156 k = tostring(k)
157 if k:find('^item_style%d+$') or k:find('^item_value%d+$') then
158 isDeprecated = true
159 break
160 end
161 end
162 local ret = ''
163 if isDeprecated then
164 ret = ret .. '[[Category:List templates with deprecated parameters]]'
165 end
166 return ret
167 end
169 function p.makeList(listType, args)
170 if not listType or not listTypes[listType] then
171 error(string.format(
172 "bad argument #1 to 'makeList' ('%s' is not a valid list type)",
173 tostring(listType)
174 ), 2)
175 end
176 checkType('makeList', 2, args, 'table')
177 local data = p.makeListData(listType, args)
178 local list = p.renderList(data)
179 local trackingCategories = p.renderTrackingCategories(args)
180 return list .. trackingCategories
181 end
183 for listType in pairs(listTypes) do
184 p[listType] = function (frame)
185 local mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')
186 local origArgs = mArguments.getArgs(frame, {
187 frameOnly = ((frame and frame.args and frame.args.frameonly or '') ~= ''),
188 valueFunc = function (key, value)
189 if not value or not mw.ustring.find(value, '%S') then return nil end
190 if mw.ustring.find(value, '^%s*[%*#;:]') then
191 return value
192 else
193 return value:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
194 end
195 return nil
196 end
197 })
198 -- Copy all the arguments to a new table, for faster indexing.
199 local args = {}
200 for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
201 args[k] = v
202 end
203 return p.makeList(listType, args)
204 end
205 end
207 return p