


このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:TableTools/doc に作成できます

  1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 --                                   TableTools                                   --
  3 --                                                                                --
  4 -- This module includes a number of functions for dealing with Lua tables.        --
  5 -- It is a meta-module, meant to be called from other Lua modules, and should not --
  6 -- be called directly from #invoke.                                               --
  7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9 local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
 11 local p = {}
 13 -- Define often-used variables and functions.
 14 local floor = math.floor
 15 local infinity = math.huge
 16 local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
 17 local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti
 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 20 -- isPositiveInteger
 21 --
 22 -- This function returns true if the given value is a positive integer, and false
 23 -- if not. Although it doesn't operate on tables, it is included here as it is
 24 -- useful for determining whether a given table key is in the array part or the
 25 -- hash part of a table.
 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 27 function p.isPositiveInteger(v)
 28 	return type(v) == 'number' and v >= 1 and floor(v) == v and v < infinity
 29 end
 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 32 -- isNan
 33 --
 34 -- This function returns true if the given number is a NaN value, and false if
 35 -- not. Although it doesn't operate on tables, it is included here as it is useful
 36 -- for determining whether a value can be a valid table key. Lua will generate an
 37 -- error if a NaN is used as a table key.
 38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 39 function p.isNan(v)
 40 	return type(v) == 'number' and v ~= v
 41 end
 43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 44 -- shallowClone
 45 --
 46 -- This returns a clone of a table. The value returned is a new table, but all
 47 -- subtables and functions are shared. Metamethods are respected, but the returned
 48 -- table will have no metatable of its own.
 49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 50 function p.shallowClone(t)
 51 	checkType('shallowClone', 1, t, 'table')
 52 	local ret = {}
 53 	for k, v in pairs(t) do
 54 		ret[k] = v
 55 	end
 56 	return ret
 57 end
 59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 60 -- removeDuplicates
 61 --
 62 -- This removes duplicate values from an array. Non-positive-integer keys are
 63 -- ignored. The earliest value is kept, and all subsequent duplicate values are
 64 -- removed, but otherwise the array order is unchanged.
 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 66 function p.removeDuplicates(arr)
 67 	checkType('removeDuplicates', 1, arr, 'table')
 68 	local isNan = p.isNan
 69 	local ret, exists = {}, {}
 70 	for _, v in ipairs(arr) do
 71 		if isNan(v) then
 72 			-- NaNs can't be table keys, and they are also unique, so we don't need to check existence.
 73 			ret[#ret + 1] = v
 74 		elseif not exists[v] then
 75 			ret[#ret + 1] = v
 76 			exists[v] = true
 77 		end
 78 	end
 79 	return ret
 80 end
 82 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 83 -- numKeys
 84 --
 85 -- This takes a table and returns an array containing the numbers of any numerical
 86 -- keys that have non-nil values, sorted in numerical order.
 87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 88 function p.numKeys(t)
 89 	checkType('numKeys', 1, t, 'table')
 90 	local isPositiveInteger = p.isPositiveInteger
 91 	local nums = {}
 92 	for k in pairs(t) do
 93 		if isPositiveInteger(k) then
 94 			nums[#nums + 1] = k
 95 		end
 96 	end
 97 	table.sort(nums)
 98 	return nums
 99 end
101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 -- affixNums
103 --
104 -- This takes a table and returns an array containing the numbers of keys with the
105 -- specified prefix and suffix. For example, for the table
106 -- {a1 = 'foo', a3 = 'bar', a6 = 'baz'} and the prefix "a", affixNums will return
107 -- {1, 3, 6}.
108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 function p.affixNums(t, prefix, suffix)
110 	checkType('affixNums', 1, t, 'table')
111 	checkType('affixNums', 2, prefix, 'string', true)
112 	checkType('affixNums', 3, suffix, 'string', true)
114 	local function cleanPattern(s)
115 		-- Cleans a pattern so that the magic characters ()%.[]*+-?^$ are interpreted literally.
116 		return s:gsub('([%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%^%$])', '%%%1')
117 	end
119 	prefix = prefix or ''
120 	suffix = suffix or ''
121 	prefix = cleanPattern(prefix)
122 	suffix = cleanPattern(suffix)
123 	local pattern = '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)' .. suffix .. '$'
125 	local nums = {}
126 	for k in pairs(t) do
127 		if type(k) == 'string' then
128 			local num = mw.ustring.match(k, pattern)
129 			if num then
130 				nums[#nums + 1] = tonumber(num)
131 			end
132 		end
133 	end
134 	table.sort(nums)
135 	return nums
136 end
138 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 -- numData
140 --
141 -- Given a table with keys like {"foo1", "bar1", "foo2", "baz2"}, returns a table
142 -- of subtables in the format
143 -- {[1] = {foo = 'text', bar = 'text'}, [2] = {foo = 'text', baz = 'text'}}.
144 -- Keys that don't end with an integer are stored in a subtable named "other". The
145 -- compress option compresses the table so that it can be iterated over with
146 -- ipairs.
147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 function p.numData(t, compress)
149 	checkType('numData', 1, t, 'table')
150 	checkType('numData', 2, compress, 'boolean', true)
151 	local ret = {}
152 	for k, v in pairs(t) do
153 		local prefix, num = mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), '^([^0-9]*)([1-9][0-9]*)$')
154 		if num then
155 			num = tonumber(num)
156 			local subtable = ret[num] or {}
157 			if prefix == '' then
158 				-- Positional parameters match the blank string; put them at the start of the subtable instead.
159 				prefix = 1
160 			end
161 			subtable[prefix] = v
162 			ret[num] = subtable
163 		else
164 			local subtable = ret.other or {}
165 			subtable[k] = v
166 			ret.other = subtable
167 		end
168 	end
169 	if compress then
170 		local other = ret.other
171 		ret = p.compressSparseArray(ret)
172 		ret.other = other
173 	end
174 	return ret
175 end
177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 -- compressSparseArray
179 --
180 -- This takes an array with one or more nil values, and removes the nil values
181 -- while preserving the order, so that the array can be safely traversed with
182 -- ipairs.
183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 function p.compressSparseArray(t)
185 	checkType('compressSparseArray', 1, t, 'table')
186 	local ret = {}
187 	local nums = p.numKeys(t)
188 	for _, num in ipairs(nums) do
189 		ret[#ret + 1] = t[num]
190 	end
191 	return ret
192 end
194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 -- sparseIpairs
196 --
197 -- This is an iterator for sparse arrays. It can be used like ipairs, but can
198 -- handle nil values.
199 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 function p.sparseIpairs(t)
201 	checkType('sparseIpairs', 1, t, 'table')
202 	local nums = p.numKeys(t)
203 	local i = 0
204 	local lim = #nums
205 	return function ()
206 		i = i + 1
207 		if i <= lim then
208 			local key = nums[i]
209 			return key, t[key]
210 		else
211 			return nil, nil
212 		end
213 	end
214 end
216 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 -- size
218 --
219 -- This returns the size of a key/value pair table. It will also work on arrays,
220 -- but for arrays it is more efficient to use the # operator.
221 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 function p.size(t)
223 	checkType('size', 1, t, 'table')
224 	local i = 0
225 	for _ in pairs(t) do
226 		i = i + 1
227 	end
228 	return i
229 end
231 local function defaultKeySort(item1, item2)
232 	-- "number" < "string", so numbers will be sorted before strings.
233 	local type1, type2 = type(item1), type(item2)
234 	if type1 ~= type2 then
235 		return type1 < type2
236 	elseif type1 == 'table' or type1 == 'boolean' or type1 == 'function' then
237 		return tostring(item1) < tostring(item2)
238 	else
239 		return item1 < item2
240 	end
241 end
242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 -- keysToList
244 --
245 -- Returns an array of the keys in a table, sorted using either a default
246 -- comparison function or a custom keySort function.
247 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 function p.keysToList(t, keySort, checked)
249 	if not checked then
250 		checkType('keysToList', 1, t, 'table')
251 		checkTypeMulti('keysToList', 2, keySort, {'function', 'boolean', 'nil'})
252 	end
254 	local arr = {}
255 	local index = 1
256 	for k in pairs(t) do
257 		arr[index] = k
258 		index = index + 1
259 	end
261 	if keySort ~= false then
262 		keySort = type(keySort) == 'function' and keySort or defaultKeySort
263 		table.sort(arr, keySort)
264 	end
266 	return arr
267 end
269 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 -- sortedPairs
271 --
272 -- Iterates through a table, with the keys sorted using the keysToList function.
273 -- If there are only numerical keys, sparseIpairs is probably more efficient.
274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 function p.sortedPairs(t, keySort)
276 	checkType('sortedPairs', 1, t, 'table')
277 	checkType('sortedPairs', 2, keySort, 'function', true)
279 	local arr = p.keysToList(t, keySort, true)
281 	local i = 0
282 	return function ()
283 		i = i + 1
284 		local key = arr[i]
285 		if key ~= nil then
286 			return key, t[key]
287 		else
288 			return nil, nil
289 		end
290 	end
291 end
293 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
294 -- isArray
295 --
296 -- Returns true if the given value is a table and all keys are consecutive
297 -- integers starting at 1.
298 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 function p.isArray(v)
300 	if type(v) ~= 'table' then
301 		return false
302 	end
303 	local i = 0
304 	for _ in pairs(v) do
305 		i = i + 1
306 		if v[i] == nil then
307 			return false
308 		end
309 	end
310 	return true
311 end
313 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 -- isArrayLike
315 --
316 -- Returns true if the given value is iterable and all keys are consecutive
317 -- integers starting at 1.
318 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 function p.isArrayLike(v)
320 	if not pcall(pairs, v) then
321 		return false
322 	end
323 	local i = 0
324 	for _ in pairs(v) do
325 		i = i + 1
326 		if v[i] == nil then
327 			return false
328 		end
329 	end
330 	return true
331 end
333 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 -- invert
335 --
336 -- Transposes the keys and values in an array. For example, {"a", "b", "c"} ->
337 -- {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}. Duplicates are not supported (result values refer to
338 -- the index of the last duplicate) and NaN values are ignored.
339 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 function p.invert(arr)
341 	checkType("invert", 1, arr, "table")
342 	local isNan = p.isNan
343 	local map = {}
344 	for i, v in ipairs(arr) do
345 		if not isNan(v) then
346 			map[v] = i
347 		end
348 	end
350 	return map
351 end
353 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 -- listToSet
355 --
356 -- Creates a set from the array part of the table. Indexing the set by any of the
357 -- values of the array returns true. For example, {"a", "b", "c"} ->
358 -- {a = true, b = true, c = true}. NaN values are ignored as Lua considers them
359 -- never equal to any value (including other NaNs or even themselves).
360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 function p.listToSet(arr)
362 	checkType("listToSet", 1, arr, "table")
363 	local isNan = p.isNan
364 	local set = {}
365 	for _, v in ipairs(arr) do
366 		if not isNan(v) then
367 			set[v] = true
368 		end
369 	end
371 	return set
372 end
374 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 -- deepCopy
376 --
377 -- Recursive deep copy function. Preserves identities of subtables.
378 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
379 local function _deepCopy(orig, includeMetatable, already_seen)
380 	if type(orig) ~= "table" then
381 		return orig
382 	end
384 	-- already_seen stores copies of tables indexed by the original table.
385 	local copy = already_seen[orig]
386 	if copy ~= nil then
387 		return copy
388 	end
390 	copy = {}
391 	already_seen[orig] = copy -- memoize before any recursion, to avoid infinite loops
393 	for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(orig) do
394 		copy[_deepCopy(orig_key, includeMetatable, already_seen)] = _deepCopy(orig_value, includeMetatable, already_seen)
395 	end
397 	if includeMetatable then
398 		local mt = getmetatable(orig)
399 		if mt ~= nil then
400 			setmetatable(copy, _deepCopy(mt, true, already_seen))
401 		end
402 	end
404 	return copy
405 end
407 function p.deepCopy(orig, noMetatable, already_seen)
408 	checkType("deepCopy", 3, already_seen, "table", true)
409 	return _deepCopy(orig, not noMetatable, already_seen or {})
410 end
412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 -- sparseConcat
414 --
415 -- Concatenates all values in the table that are indexed by a number, in order.
416 -- sparseConcat{a, nil, c, d}  =>  "acd"
417 -- sparseConcat{nil, b, c, d}  =>  "bcd"
418 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
419 function p.sparseConcat(t, sep, i, j)
420 	local arr = {}
422 	local arr_i = 0
423 	for _, v in p.sparseIpairs(t) do
424 		arr_i = arr_i + 1
425 		arr[arr_i] = v
426 	end
428 	return table.concat(arr, sep, i, j)
429 end
431 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
432 -- length
433 --
434 -- Finds the length of an array, or of a quasi-array with keys such as "data1",
435 -- "data2", etc., using an exponential search algorithm. It is similar to the
436 -- operator #, but may return a different value when there are gaps in the array
437 -- portion of the table. Intended to be used on data loaded with mw.loadData. For
438 -- other tables, use #.
439 -- Note: #frame.args in frame object always be set to 0, regardless of  the number
440 -- of unnamed template parameters, so use this function for frame.args.
441 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
442 function p.length(t, prefix)
443 	-- requiring module inline so that [[Module:Exponential search]] which is
444 	-- only needed by this one function doesn't get millions of transclusions
445 	local expSearch = require("Module:Exponential search")
446 	checkType('length', 1, t, 'table')
447 	checkType('length', 2, prefix, 'string', true)
448 	return expSearch(function (i)
449 		local key
450 		if prefix then
451 			key = prefix .. tostring(i)
452 		else
453 			key = i
454 		end
455 		return t[key] ~= nil
456 	end) or 0
457 end
459 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
460 -- inArray
461 --
462 -- Returns true if searchElement is a member of the array, and false otherwise.
463 -- Equivalent to JavaScript array.includes(searchElement) or
464 -- array.includes(searchElement, fromIndex), except fromIndex is 1 indexed
465 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
466 function p.inArray(array, searchElement, fromIndex)
467 	checkType("inArray", 1, array, "table")
468 	-- if searchElement is nil, error?
470 	fromIndex = tonumber(fromIndex)
471 	if fromIndex then
472 		if (fromIndex < 0) then
473 			fromIndex = #array + fromIndex + 1
474 		end
475 		if fromIndex < 1 then fromIndex = 1 end
476 		for _, v in ipairs({unpack(array, fromIndex)}) do
477 			if v == searchElement then
478 				return true
479 			end
480 		end
481 	else
482 		for _, v in pairs(array) do
483 			if v == searchElement then
484 				return true
485 			end
486 		end
487 	end
488 	return false
489 end
491 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
492 -- merge
493 --
494 -- Given the arrays, returns an array containing the elements of each input array
495 -- in sequence.
496 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 function p.merge(...)
498 	local arrays = {...}
499 	local ret = {}
500 	for i, arr in ipairs(arrays) do
501 		checkType('merge', i, arr, 'table')
502 		for _, v in ipairs(arr) do
503 			ret[#ret + 1] = v
504 		end
505 	end
506 	return ret
507 end
509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 -- extend
511 --
512 -- Extends the first array in place by appending all elements from the second
513 -- array.
514 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 function p.extend(arr1, arr2)
516 	checkType('extend', 1, arr1, 'table')
517 	checkType('extend', 2, arr2, 'table')
519 	for _, v in ipairs(arr2) do
520 		arr1[#arr1 + 1] = v
521 	end
522 end
524 return p