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이 모듈에 대한 설명문서는 모듈:InfoboxImage/설명문서에서 만들 수 있습니다

  1 -- Inputs:
  2 --    image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link
  3 --    page - page to display for multipage images (DjVu)
  4 --    size - size to display the image
  5 --    maxsize - maximum size for image
  6 --    sizedefault - default size to display the image if size param is blank
  7 --    alt - alt text for image
  8 --    title - title text for image
  9 --    border - set to yes if border
 10 --    center - set to yes, if the image has to be centered
 11 --    upright - upright image param
 12 --    suppressplaceholder - if yes then checks to see if image is a placeholder and suppresses it
 13 --    link - page to visit when clicking on image
 14 --    class - HTML classes to add to the image
 15 -- Outputs:
 16 --    Formatted image.
 17 -- More details available at the "Module:InfoboxImage/doc" page
 19 local i = {};
 21 local placeholder_image = {
 22     "Blue - Replace this image female.svg",
 23     "Blue - Replace this image male.svg",
 24     "Flag of None (square).svg",
 25     "Flag of None.svg",
 26     "Flag of.svg",
 27     "Green - Replace this image female.svg",
 28     "Green - Replace this image male.svg",
 29     "Image is needed female.svg",
 30     "Image is needed male.svg",
 31     "Location map of None.svg",
 32     "Male no free image yet.png",
 33     "Missing flag.png",
 34     "No flag.svg",
 35     "No free portrait.svg",
 36     "No portrait (female).svg",
 37     "No portrait (male).svg",
 38     "Red - Replace this image female.svg",
 39     "Red - Replace this image male.svg",
 40     "Replace this image female.svg",
 41     "Replace this image male (blue).svg",
 42     "Replace this image male.svg",
 43     "Silver - Replace this image female.svg",
 44     "Silver - Replace this image male.svg",
 45     "Replace this image.svg",
 46 	"Cricket no pic.png",
 47 	"CarersLogo.gif",
 48 	"Diagram Needed.svg",
 49 	"Example.jpg",
 50 	"Image placeholder.png",
 51 	"No male portrait.svg",
 52 	"Nocover-upload.png",
 53 	"NoDVDcover copy.png",
 54 	"Noribbon.svg",
 55 	"No portrait-BFD-test.svg",
 56 	"Placeholder barnstar ribbon.png",
 57 	"Project Trains no image.png",
 58 	"Image-request.png",
 59 	"Sin bandera.svg",
 60 	"Sin escudo.svg",
 61 	"Replace this image - temple.png",
 62 	"Replace this image butterfly.png",
 63 	"Replace this image.svg",
 64 	"Replace this image1.svg",
 65 	"Resolution angle.png",
 66 	"Image-No portrait-text-BFD-test.svg",
 67 	"Insert image here.svg",
 68 	"No image available.png",
 69 	"NO IMAGE YET square.png",
 70 	"NO IMAGE YET.png",
 71 	"No Photo Available.svg",
 72 	"No Screenshot.svg",
 73 	"No-image-available.jpg",
 74 	"Null.png",
 75 	"PictureNeeded.gif",
 76 	"Place holder.jpg",
 77 	"Unbenannt.JPG",
 78 	"UploadACopyrightFreeImage.svg",
 79 	"UploadAnImage.gif",
 80 	"UploadAnImage.svg",
 81 	"UploadAnImageShort.svg",
 82 	"CarersLogo.gif",
 83 	"Diagram Needed.svg",
 84 	"No male portrait.svg",
 85 	"NoDVDcover copy.png",
 86 	"Placeholder barnstar ribbon.png",
 87 	"Project Trains no image.png",
 88 	"Image-request.png",
 89 	"Noimage.gif",
 90 }
 92 local categories = {
 93 	url_image_links = "[[Category:Pages using infoboxes with URL in image parameter]]",
 94 	thumbnail_images = "[[Category:Pages using infoboxes with thumbnail images]]",
 95 }
 97 local function trackable()
 98 	local ns = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText:lower()
 99 	return not (ns == 'user' or ns == 'user talk')
100 end
102 function i.IsPlaceholder(image)
103     -- change underscores to spaces
104     image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "_", " ");
105     assert(image ~= nil, 'mw.ustring.gsub(image, "_", " ") must not return nil')
106     -- if image starts with [[ then remove that and anything after |
107     if mw.ustring.sub(image,1,2) == "[[" then
108         image = mw.ustring.sub(image,3);
109         image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "([^|]*)|.*", "%1");
110         assert(image ~= nil, 'mw.ustring.gsub(image, "([^|]*)|.*", "%1") must not return nil')
111     end
112     -- Trim spaces
113     image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1');
114     assert(image ~= nil, "mw.ustring.gsub(image, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1') must not return nil")
115     -- remove prefix if exists
116     local allNames = mw.site.namespaces[6].aliases
117     allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].name
118     allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].canonicalName
119     for i, name in ipairs(allNames) do
120         if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image, 1, mw.ustring.len(name) + 1)) == mw.ustring.lower(name .. ":") then
121             image = mw.ustring.sub(image, mw.ustring.len(name) + 2);
122             break
123         end
124     end
125     -- Trim spaces
126     image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1');
127     -- capitalise first letter
128     image = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,1)) .. mw.ustring.sub(image,2);
130     for i,j in pairs(placeholder_image) do
131         if image == j then
132             return true
133         end
134     end
135     return false
136 end
138 function i.InfoboxImage(frame)
139     local image = frame.args["image"];
141     if image == "" or image == nil then
142         return "";
143     end
144     if image == " " then
145         return image;
146     end
147     if frame.args["suppressplaceholder"] ~= "no" then
148         if i.IsPlaceholder(image) == true then
149             return "";
150         end
151     end
153     if string.find(image, "^%[*https?:") then
154 		-- Error category.
155 		return trackable() and categories.url_image_links or ""
156 	end
158     if mw.ustring.sub(image,1,2) == "[[" then
159         -- search for thumbnail images and add to tracking cat if found
160         local cat = "";
161         if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 and (mw.ustring.find(image, "|%s*thumb%s*[|%]]") or mw.ustring.find(image, "|%s*thumbnail%s*[|%]]")) then
162             cat = trackable() and categories.thumbnail_images or ""
163         end
164         return image .. cat;
165     elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,1,2) == "{{" and mw.ustring.sub(image,1,3) ~= "{{{" then
166         return image;
167     elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,1,1) == "<" then
168         return image;
169     elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,1,8) == mw.ustring.char(127).."'\"`UNIQ" then
170         -- Found strip marker at begining, so pass don't process at all
171         return image;
172     else
173         local result = "";
174         local page = frame.args["page"];
175         local size = frame.args["size"];
176         local maxsize = frame.args["maxsize"];
177         local sizedefault = frame.args["sizedefault"];
178         local alt = frame.args["alt"];
179         local link = frame.args["link"];
180         local title = frame.args["title"];
181         local border = frame.args["border"];
182         local upright = frame.args["upright"] or "";
183         local thumbtime = frame.args["thumbtime"] or "";
184         local center = frame.args["center"];
185         local class = frame.args["class"];
187         -- remove prefix if exists
188         local allNames = mw.site.namespaces[6].aliases
189         allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].name
190         allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].canonicalName
191         for i, name in ipairs(allNames) do
192             if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image, 1, mw.ustring.len(name) + 1)) == mw.ustring.lower(name .. ":") then
193                 image = mw.ustring.sub(image, mw.ustring.len(name) + 2);
194                 break
195             end
196         end
198         if maxsize ~= "" and maxsize ~= nil then
199             -- if no sizedefault then set to maxsize
200             if sizedefault == "" or sizedefault == nil then
201                 sizedefault = maxsize
202             end
203             -- check to see if size bigger than maxsize
204             if size ~= "" and size ~= nil then
205                 local sizenumber = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(size,"%d*")) or 0;
206                 local maxsizenumber = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(maxsize,"%d*")) or 0;
207                 if sizenumber>maxsizenumber and maxsizenumber>0 then
208                     size = maxsize;
209                 end
210             end
211         end
212         -- add px to size if just a number
213         if (tonumber(size) or 0) > 0 then
214             size = size .. "px";
215         end
216         -- add px to sizedefault if just a number
217         if (tonumber(sizedefault) or 0) > 0 then
218             sizedefault = sizedefault .. "px";
219         end
221         result = "[[File:" .. image;
222         if page ~= "" and page ~= nil then
223             result = result .. "|page=" .. page;
224         end
225         if size ~= "" and size ~= nil then
226             result = result .. "|" .. size;
227         elseif sizedefault ~= "" and sizedefault ~= nil then
228             result = result .. "|" .. sizedefault;
229         else
230             result = result .. "|frameless";
231         end
232         if center == "yes" then
233             result = result .. "|center"
234         end
235         if alt ~= "" and alt ~= nil then
236             result = result .. "|alt=" .. alt;
237         end
238         if link ~= "" and link ~= nil then
239             result = result .. "|link=" .. link;
240         end
241         if border == "yes" then
242             result = result .. "|border";
243         end
244         if upright == "yes" then
245             result = result .. "|upright";
246         elseif upright ~= "" then
247             result = result .. "|upright=" .. upright;
248         end
249         if thumbtime ~= "" then
250             result = result .. "|thumbtime=" .. thumbtime;
251         end
252         if class ~= nil and class ~= "" then
253             result = result .. "|class=" .. class;
254         end
255         -- if alt value is a keyword then do not use as a description
256         if alt == "thumbnail" or alt == "thumb" or alt == "frameless" or alt == "left" or alt == "center" or alt == "right" or alt == "upright" or alt == "border" or mw.ustring.match(alt or "", '^[0-9]*px$', 1) ~= nil then
257             alt = nil;
258         end
259         if title ~= "" and title ~= nil then
260             -- does title param contain any templatestyles? If yes then set to blank.
261             if mw.ustring.match(frame:preprocess(title), 'UNIQ%-%-templatestyles', 1) ~= nil then
262                 title = nil;
263             end
264         end
265         if title ~= "" and title ~= nil then
266             result = result .. "|" .. title;
267         end
268         result = result .. "]]";
270         return result;
271     end
272 end
274 return i;